The Orchard Valley Waldorf School Holiday Market is a curated shopping event for adults, children and the homes they live in. We provide a thoughtful shopping experience in time for holiday gift-giving and feature a collection of the finest artists, retailers, and food-entrepreneurs in the state!
Saturday, November 23, 2019, 10:00am-3:00pm
Vermont College of Fine Arts, 36 College Street.
(main gallery, which can be found on the first floor of College Hall)
When are applications due?
We will accept applications until August 9th
What is the table fee and what is it used for?
The table fee is $75 per table. 100% of table fees go to support Orchard Valley Waldorf School. Thank you!
What is my booth size?
8 ft by 6 ft.
Are tables available for rent?
Yes! Extra fee of $15 applies.
Who is my contact for the market?
Erica Hare or 917.837.5084
How many people are expected?
Last year we estimate there were 200 shoppers at the market.
Is there food for sale at the holiday market?
Yes! Students from OVWS will be running a Café adjacent to the market.
Is there a special place to park?
There are several lots at VCFA as well as ample street parking. Please choose a street parking spot if possible, so shoppers can come and go easily.
When does set up begin?
You can begin setting up Friday evening between 5pm-7pm or Saturday morning at 9am.