Pre-K Funding Information for 2021-22 Early Childhood Applicants

Act 166 mandates funding for ten hours of universal pre-k for all 3 and 4 year-olds in Vermont who are enrolled in a pre-qualified, pre-kindergarten program for 35 weeks in a school year. Regardless of parental income or circumstance, all children who are age 3, 4 or 5 years old on September 1st are eligible to receive funding. For the 2021-22 school year, the Pre-K funding grant is $3,536 per child.

Orchard Valley’s mixed-age preschool programs on the Grace Farm campus in East Montpelier (Apple Tree and Farm & Forest) and at the Child’s Garden in Montpelier are pre-qualified to receive funding.

When you receive a copy of your child’s fully executed enrollment agreement for admission to one of Orchard Valley’s Early Childhood programs you will also receive “Act 166: Universal Prekindergarten Tuition Request Form/Intent to Enroll Form for the 2021 -2022 School Year.” You will then need to take the form and signed enrollment agreement to your school district of residence. You will apply for the pre-k funding directly through your local elementary school (or in some cases through the district office)—i.e. the school where your child would attend pre-school if you chose to make use of public education.

To receive pre-k funding, families are required to register with their local school, even if they do not plan to enroll their child there in the future. Families will need to provide enrollment forms and supporting documents in order to receive pre-k funding. As each district’s are a bit different, we suggest you call in advance and inquire about required documentation. You may then request that your funding grant be applied to tuition costs at the pre-qualified program of your choice. (Parents must designate which program is to receive the subsidy if their children are enrolled in more than one pre-qualified pre-k program).

Once enrolled at Orchard Valley Waldorf School, parents are responsible for the full contracted enrollment tuition which includes the portion covered by the pre-k funding. Pre-K funding payments are received at OVWS as tuition payments towards the parent’s financial obligation. In the event that a family fails to sign up at their district or withdraws from OVWS and full pre-k payments are not received, that family is responsible to pay the outstanding balance in accordance with the terms outlined in your enrollment agreement.

Pre-k Funding Supervisory Union Contacts for 2021-22 (Please note: This is  not a comprehensive list of VT Supervisory Unions.)