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Three Cheers for King Winter from the Farm & Forest Kindergarten!

From Farm & Forest Kindergarten Teacher Michelle Gullage:  With the onset of winter and the blessing of having an inside classroom space this year, Farm & Forest children have shifted the beginning of their mornings inside. This has been a welcome relief on some of the bitterly cold mornings that have been on our doorstep! Coming inside has allowed us to fall into a fairly traditional Waldorf Kindergarten rhythm of activity and inside play. 

Even though we have been inside more than usual, King Winter & Jackie Frost have still found a way to breathe their icy breath into all that we are doing! We've seen icy paintings on our windows, icicles as big as children, and the snowflakes have begun to fall from the wreaths and branches all around our room. Children have been cold, hungry kitties, puppy dog pirates on an icy sea and, of course, the snow plows are out in full force!

There has even been time and space for a small group of children to step outside during inside play and do a bit of tracking with Mr. Sean before coming back in for circle. And, as quickly as snow fairies fly, we eat snack and spend almost two full hours playing in the farmyard and going adventuring out in the snow!  

Wintertime is always a delight for the young child. When properly dressed, good friends and a blanket of snow is all that we require! Three cheers for King Winter--Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray!

